I Conferences against bullying Mercadona. Call
Since Confederation Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) try to influence the concept with the public and society in general, that the supermarket company Mercadona is a role model regarding the humane treatment of workers. The company largely unknown what happens inside the workplace Mercadona, thanks in large part to the efforts of the company to give an image abroad that nothing corresponds to reality. ç Rather, this appearance of respect for the worker who is trying to convey and that the CNT-AIT has been reporting since 2004, hiding behind cases of dismissal of pregnant women under the pretext of not having passed the probationary period, dismissal disciplinary workers on leave for depression, total lack of respect for freedom of association that any worker should be able to enjoy without hindrance, and a long list of abuses against fundamental rights when it comes to their employees. Such situations also charge a turn almost ironic when, succeeding and reports of systematic, however Mercadona receive business excellence awards, praise from the press and others. Proof of this are the convictions that this famous supermarket chain accumulated in the last decade sentences reinstate fired workers for having shown that the dismissal was responding to a violation of fundamental rights, ordered to pay amounts up to € 20,000 employees for damages for workplace harassment, disciplinary dismissals according to the company, then the courts have become irrelevant, by having the new high compensation ... without forgetting, how could it be otherwise, the lack of willingness of this company to talk as equals with their employees when they have something to claim, which was sadly evident to the strike called by the CNT-AIT in 2006 in the logistics center in Sant Mercadona Sadurní, strike that could have been solved since the first time if the company would have sat to negotiate, and yet had to continue for fourteen months, with the longest strike in the history of Catalonia due to the closure of the company, which arrived several strikers to suffer severe physical abuse. Since the CNT union disputes have been held by several of the reasons given above in Mercadona workplaces located in different parts of the peninsula, from Barcelona to Cordoba, Cadiz Chiclana through Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and Toledo, give some examples. Our struggle to dignify the conditions of work in this company has lasted several years and will continue as long as emerging cases of blatant attack against our most basic rights as workers. For this reason, the CNT-AIT held in Valencia on 22 and 23 April the First Conference Against Harassment in Mercadona, culminating on Saturday 23 with a protest against the company's labor policy. Trade Union Secretariat, the Permanent Secretariat of the Committee Confederal - CNT-AIT Extracted from: http://elmilicianocnt-aitchiclana.blogspot.com/
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