Saturday, April 30, 2011

9 Planets Name In Hindi

The Earth

MOSES, JESUS \u200b\u200bAND THE ELDERLY were playing golf Moses, Jesus Christ and an elder.
Moses is the first hit. Grab the bat, is prepared and paff: The ball ends up in the water. But, turning to his companions, Moses says:
- 'It's okay. " In fact, take the stick, piling into the soil and water are separated, after which again hits the ball, which ends in the hole.
Time of Jesus Christ comes. Grab the bat, is prepared and paff: The ball also ends in the water.
- 'Do not worry', Jesus said to his playmates. And without thinking twice goes to the pond, begins to walk on water, get to where the floating ball, hit the new y. .. the hole.
Finally, he touches turn to the old man, who grabs the stick, is prepared and paff: The ball goes straight into the water, but just before, get a fish and eat the ball. But before the fish fall back into the water, there is a seagull eats the fish. After a short flight, gulls struck by lightning, which strikes down on the floor, which opens its beak, comes out and slips the ball into the hole.

Then Jesus Christ will return to old man and says,
- 'Look, Dad, if you start with bravado, I do not play. "


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