Seen Rafael Estrella A note of INE aseptic aware of changes in the Register of Residents Abroad (PERE) to January 1, 2011, growing 8.2% in one year. As the INE has not addressed to explain the reasons for this strong growth in newspapers soon found the most obvious reason:
the crisis has driven the country in one year English to 128,000. Although the INE does not speak of emigration, the note issued reaches out candidly that the Exodus ("Despair?) Has increased by 43.3% the number of English in Cuba. No matter how hard the crisis, it is easy to imagine 23,000 young English people emigrated to Cuba in search of opportunities. Would make more sense, given the circumstances, that Cubans of English descent would like to have English nationality, or, in other countries, children or grandchildren of English nationals seeking access to the system of parent or grandparent.
And that is precisely what is happening. The data are true, but the reality is that in no way has been a mass exodus, or even importantly, as may be inferred from an unexplained cold statistics. Undoubtedly, the crisis has increased the mobility process of English citizens and was being helped by our integration into the globalized world, but most of the sharp rise in English abroad is not the product of migration but the acquisition of nationality by children and grandchildren or English. For example, in Argentina, where most English community in the world, around 20,000 Argentines have also become English in 2010 ... without leaving your country of birth and without losing their nationality in Argentina, a number similar to 2009. Naturally, there have been some Argentine (English or their spouses) who have returned home to English or English nationality who came to work in Argentina, the latter in a very small number.

And much of this increase in PERE is merely the result of applying the transitional provision of the so-called Law of Historic Memory, which opened access to English citizenship to the grandson of English that left our country as a result of exile (political and economic). And opened a path to citizenship that extended the rights established in 2002 for English children, an option that remains open and that also contributes to the growth of the English overseas. The same causes very large extent explain the increase of English citizens abroad and, especially, in Latin America. To process this application for English nationality in 2009 increased the number of personnel English consulates abroad. In the case of Argentina, much of which now have access to nationality are children or grandchildren of some 300,000 English who arrived between 1936 and 1960. In 1950 -The highest number of arrival-landed in Buenos Aires English about 43,000, a figure equivalent to that recorded by the INE as a "new English in Argentina" in 2009-20011.
I reread the note by the INE and find no reference to these so simple explanations that have been taken into account, would have avoided the dramatic headlines that today we had breakfast. Without doubt, the media should inform rigor, but equally I think the more-obligation is an independent body such as INE, commissioned to produce and disseminate reliable statistics, not only for the accuracy of the figures, but the explanation should be accompanied by seriously lacking in this case.
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