Thursday, May 5, 2011

Testing Negative At 3months

a doctor? Rex Balaeniceps

A lady, with her son 4 years old, is eating in a restaurant. In an oversight, the guy puts a coin in the mouth and choke.

The mother tries to make him spit the coin hitting the back, patting him on the neck, shaking him, without success.

The boy is beginning to show signs of suffocation and the mother, in desperation, began to scream for help.

A man gets up from a nearby table, and with astonishing tranquility without saying a word, he drops his pants the creature, takes his small testicles, squeezed hard and violently pulled down .

At the same time, he puts the middle finger in the ass dry.

automatically, the child-to- irresistible pain spits currency, and the master, with the same astonishing ease with which he approached, he returns at his table without saying a word.

Soon, the lady calmed down and was about to thank him for having saved the life of his son, and asks:

- Are you doctor?

- No, ma'am, I am an officer of the Inland Revenue !

You forgot to go down the drain


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