Thursday, November 25, 2010

How We Are Pressing A Boobs By Example


Compromísper Paterna recalls that the manager committed FGV at frequencies around 15 minutes on

"Thousands of hours lost while waiting in the subway could post if you add up all the people entering the subway and have to wait half an hour to go to a destination a little over 10 or 15 miles away, "and expressed Loles Ripoll, Councillor Compromís spokesman, noting failure to increase the frequency of passage of the subway line 1, Marisa Gracia, FGV manager, promised to have ready in 2010 to all groups of Paterna municipal council and representatives of the Board of Neighborhood the Canyada.

To Compromís per Paterna, FGV priorities are not the daily welfare of the people but in many cases to make monumental works that will result in very high en la mejora de la calidad de vida. Recientemente se ha presentado el plan de soterramiento del metro, donde la Generalitat se gastará 164 millones de euros, pero se niegan a contratar más personal para conducir los convois y más trenes para mejorar la frecuencia. Según Loles Ripoll, "la inversión en personal y en convois es incomparablemente menor que la de las grandes obras de infraestructura, y lo que está pasando en el metro de Valencia es inconcebible en otras comunidades autónomas, en las que cuando se hace la infraestructura se ponen unas frecuencias competitivas".

Compromís destacamos que de las seis estaciones de metro que tiene Paterna, solo dos tienen frecuencias de 15 minutos, que son Campament y Paterna, and subtraction have a frequency for half a day for 30 minutes (Santa Rita, Fuente del Jarro, the Canyada and Vallesa). Compromís consulted frequency meters metropolitan areas in other major cities, and separate locations in cities between 10 and 20 km have frequencies ranging between 3-5 minutes of Madrid, Barcelona 5-7 minutes and 12-15 minutes from Bilbao.

Finally, Loles Ripoll said that "there is much difference between the attitude of Lorenzo Agustí as a candidate for mayor," that accompanied the public at various levels to seek improvements, and the current situation in that inaction in this issue is the attitude highlight of the first mayor.


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